'We aim to inspire today's children to embrace tomorrow's challenges.'

Gilthill Primary School

Welcome Back!

We have been delighted to welcome back 86% of our children. They have attended school for two days a week in split classes. this has given all children who wanted to come back to school the opportunity to see some of their classmates and to spend some time with their teachers before the summer break.

Parents have been hugely supportive and have managed to deliver children to the correct gate at the correct time which has been fantastic! I am very thankful to all the Gilthill staff who have supported each other to make this possible for the children.

All staff have taken on extra duties of cleaning and planning and organising different groups across the school.

The key worker families have been supported across the whole of the lock down and the school has only been closed  to all pupils on the main bank holidays and one extra day since the 23rd March 2020!

Thank you Gilthill Staff!

We are planning under the current guidance for all children to return in normal size classes in the Autumn term but still under limited social mixing and staggered starts and finishing to avoid large group gatherings. We will send out our proposed plan to parents in the near future.

Thank you for all your support over this time in the history of Gilthill.

Mrs Lamb
