'We aim to inspire today's children to embrace tomorrow's challenges.'

Gilthill Primary School




In September 2022, we started our oracy development journey by enrolling as a 'Voice 21' school.

We have designed our curriculum around one main driver of good communication. The children at Gilthill need to be able to develop their skills in being good communicators in a variety of ways, from simple verbal development of language to being able to adapt to new situations and expand their world to enable them to see all the possibilities that could be in front of them.

Voice 21 gives us the tools and strategies to develop high-quality oracy using a coherent framework where speaking and listening skills are developed around 4 main strands



What is oracy?


Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them.

 Through a high-quality oracy education students learn through talk and to talk. This is when they develop and deepen their subject knowledge and understanding through talk in the classroom, which has been planned, designed, modelled, scaffolded and structured to enable them to learn the skills needed to talk effectively. (Voice 21)


Why should we teach oracy?


(Voice 21 graphic)   


We have utilised the oracy framework to enhance our explicit teaching of oracy in order to ensure that our pupils learn to communicate effectively through spoken language. By exploring 'Talk Tactics' and developing our 'Discussion Guidelines', we have embarked on a journey to develop confident and proficient speakers who can clearly convey their knowledge, ideas, and emotions. This approach enables us to equip our children with the necessary skills to embrace tomorrow's challenges.
