'We aim to inspire today's children to embrace tomorrow's challenges.'

Gilthill Primary School

Physical Education

Physical Education


The intent of Gilthill Primary School’s Physical Education Curriculum is to inspire all children to participate and succeed in competitive sport, promote physical and emotional well-being and encourage healthy and positive lifestyle choices. We believe that in a warm supportive environment, sporting opportunities will help build children’s self-esteem and embed our core values such as being ready, respectful and safe.


We believe that Physical Education is both a collaborative and collective experience that can develop and refine excellent communication skills and language. We aim to develop both their knowledge and understanding of sport as well as teaching lessons that provide or develop.

  • Good sporting attitudes
  • Positive and fair competition
  • The understanding of basic rules
  • Enjoyment and success in sport
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Give and receive positive feedback
  • Develop tactics


Our learning threads are the cornerstone of an ambitious curriculum that ensures every child has regular access to high quality lessons that are both inspiring and progressive. Through Physical Education, we aim to provide all children with the widest opportunities to practise, refine and then execute the key fundamental skills that increase their confidence and competence in a range of physical activities or sports.

Our aim is to provide children with positive experiences of Physical Education and sport that encourages and inspires them to lead a long-lasting healthy lifestyle in an ever-changing society.  This incorporates our school’s long-term aim to inspire today’s children to embrace tomorrow’s challenges.



As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, Physical Education is carefully planned and mapped to ensure every child receives a minimum requirement of 2 hours of P.E per week. These lessons are delivered by either the class teacher or a specialist sports coach from First Grade Sports.

Swimming lessons are provided for years 4,5 and 6 at Bramcote Swimming Pool. All children are taught to swim capably and with confidence in a range of strokes up to a distance of 25 meters.

Additionally, we also endeavour to provide a wide range of extracurricular physical activities after school. These are delivered by both school staff and specialist sports coaches from First Grade Sports.



Our curriculum aims are to ensure that all children:

  • Develop a comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental movements.
  • Improve their balance, coordination and agility.
  • Increase confidence in participating and competing in sport.
  • Develop their knowledge and vocabulary of sport.
  • Deliver an inspirational curriculum that has long-lasting effects on the importance of fitness and living a healthy lifestyle.



Every child will receive a broad and balanced curriculum regardless of their age or ability. This will include regular access to all of our key strands;

  • Invasion Games
  • Dance
  • Athletics (Key Stage Two)
  • Striking and Fielding
  • Net and Wall
  • Gymnastics
  • Swimming (Year groups 3,4,5 and 6)
  • Target Games
  • Outdoor and Adventurous

As well as our regular P.E lessons, children will have further opportunities for physical activity such as playground games delivered by First Grade Sport, Drumba and Wheelchair Basketball. Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to take part in competitions throughout the school year against other local schools.



Children begin their journey at Gilthill by exploring and improving their fundamental skills as well as developing balance, coordination and agility that will enable them to access sport at higher level. Additionally, children practise and refine fine and gross motor skills through the process of play within the classroom environment.


Key Stage One

During Key Stage One, children are giving the utter most opportunities to practise their fundamental movement skills as well as continuing to progress in their balance, coordination and agility.  In a cooperative and competitive environment, the children learn the basic rules of games and develop tactics in invasion games, gymnastics, dance, striking and fielding, net and wall, target games and outdoor and adventurous activities.


Key Stage Two

In Key Stage Two, children continue to refine their fundamental skills as well as extending their balance, coordination and agility. These skills are then integrated into more competitive games, perform them in combination and evaluate theirs as well as others’ work. There are wider opportunities to collaborate within small groups or teams as they develop an understanding of how they can improve their performance individually and as a collective.


Assessment and progression



In EYFS, we assess and observe regularly, and online/electrical recordings are journalled, and these contribute to a summative assessment of each child’s progress.


KS1 and KS2

Similarly to EYFS, formative assessments of each child’s learning are through regular in class observations or recorded as evidence on an online journal. Both assessments help conclude a summative judgement at the end of each term and are marked against our learning threads that are on the school server.
