Our plan for pupil premium funding in the academic year 2020-2021
Budget Allocation £39,625
How the school is to measure the impact/effect
Evaluation of 2020-21 PP strategy
Aim | Outcome |
Part Time additional teacher to support academic, social and life skills in Year 5 and 6 | Having an additional teacher helped to settle children back into school following the lockdown and provided smaller focused groups to support catch up. |
Teaching assistant one to one and small group work across KS2 | Each class had TA support which enabled catch up teaching, intervention and opportunities for emotional support (especially following the lockdown). This support helped children to catch up with missed learning. Some pupils received additional support when they attended school during the lockdown. |
Teaching assistant support in KS1and YR to include early language support work | Pupils were identified for additional speech and language support. Some support from SALT funded by SBAP. Language was a key focus across each year group. |
Resources to enhance continuous provision of social play activities to boost self-esteem in KS1 | The additional classroom has been better equipped to allow for continuous provision across Y1 and Y2. Some multi-cultural play people were purchased to better reflect the classroom diversity Some larger play equipment (sand tray) still needed Planning documents show clear thought to continuous provision and enhanced provision activities to boost self-esteem |
Training programmes for staff in early language and positive play activities. | Positive play training Language lead training KS1 staff accessed speech and language training provided by SALT