'We aim to inspire today's children to embrace tomorrow's challenges.'

Gilthill Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Occasionally teachers may feel that children are unable to benefit fully from the curriculum being offered to them.  If this is the case, we will discuss our concerns with you. We may provide extra support as part of a small group or individually where appropriate. No action will be taken without your full co-operation and support. Parents and children are encouraged to contribute to discussions about their needs during the meetings.
If you are concerned about your child’s progress please consult with the class teacher, headteacher, or SEND (Mrs Cregan) so that a meeting can be arranged to establish a course of action.


Special Educational Needs Policy


We have a Special Needs Policy based upon the government’s requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice. The policy includes information about the school’s processes and procedures.

The school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) who works to ensure that the policy is fully implemented.  The Co-ordinator liaises with one of our Governors who act as the Governors’ representative in this area.

Mrs Cregan is the SENCO at our school. If you wish to contact her, please email the school office at

or telephone the office directly and we will make sure the SENCO contacts you directly. 

People with Disabilities


Pupils with disabilities are welcome to attend Gilthill School and every effort is made to ensure their access to a broad and balanced curriculum.  The school building and site are fully accessible to all those with physical disabilities having pathways and a lift which helps with wheelchair access.  We also have a hearing loop system to help those people who suffer from loss of hearing.  The school works in partnership with outside agencies such as the Disability Support Service to help ensure that staff are fully aware of how to offer support to disabled pupils for example during PE/games sessions and swimming lessons. Parents of pupils with a disability are very welcome to come and discuss their child’s needs prior to admission so appropriate action can be taken to help ensure smooth transition from home to school.


We also want to ensure that disabled members of our school and local community are able to support our pupils and school events. If parents, grandparents etc need our help in order to take advantage of adult learning or attendance at open evenings, school concerts etc we would be delighted to hear how we could help.

Gilthill Primary School Accessibility Policy and Plan

Equal Opportunities


To help meet the needs of the different groups of children, parents and carers the school maintains an Equality Policy which covers disability, gender and racial equality.


We need to ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities offered by the school. All documents related to equal opportunities are available at school – parents/carers are very welcome to view them.
