'We aim to inspire today's children to embrace tomorrow's challenges.'

Gilthill Primary School

Bumped Head - Information for parents

Bumped Head – Information for parents


We have recently reviewed our policy for head bumps, and we have implemented a new procedure to ensure that all staff and parents are informed when children bump their heads during the school day.

During the school day, minor bumps to the head can occur, especially during playtime or PE sessions.


Procedure for bumped heads


  • Any child who sustains a head bump will be given a blue bumped head wristband.
  • The wristband will make it visible to all school staff that a head bump has occurred.
  • A wristband will be provided to any child who presents to a first aider with a bump to their head or face.
  • The wristband serves as notification that one of our First Aiders has attended to and assessed the child, providing a cold compress to treat the minor injury. At the time, it was not deemed necessary to refer the child for further attention.
  • The wristband will include the date and time of the incident.
  • The child will also be given a bumped head letter to take home, informing parents that a minor bumped head injury has occurred.
  • Children will be instructed to keep the wristband on their wrist until they arrive home to show their parents or carers, even if they attend an after-school club.
  • If any additional information is required, class teachers will contact parents or carers via Dojo or a telephone call.


For more serious head injuries, parents will be contacted immediately and asked to come to the school to assess whether the child needs to go home or receive further treatment. In severe cases, emergency services will be contacted if, after assessment, immediate medical attention is deemed necessary.

All incidents will be recorded in our first aid folders.



In rare circumstances, symptoms of concussion may develop up to 24 hours after an injury. If any of the following conditions occur, please refer the child to a doctor, preferably at the local A&E department:

  • Severe headache (persistent)
  • Sensitivity to bright light
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness, double vision, or blurred vision
  • Disorientation or confusion
  • Changes in consciousness level

